Babydoll wool comes in a range of colors naturally even though there are only two colors of sheep available. The off-white color sheep provide an off-white color of wool, but I find it fairly white. It is shown at the bottom of the picture below. The black sheep provide all the other colors shown below and more! When black sheep are born they are really black. They are so black that cameras have a hard time automatically focusing on them, which is why when you see pictures of young black lambs on this website, often they are covered in hay. When they are covered in hay, the camera will focus on them, and I can get a good picture. As a black lamb grows up, the color of wool will change over its lifetime to include browns and gray/silvers, depending on the individual. A range of colors will even be available on a single fleece.

Babydoll Wool Facts:
- Fiber diameter: 23-29 microns (medium)
- Soft & springy
- Can be worn next to skin
- Great for needle felting
- Not great for wet felting
After a couple of shearing seasons, I needed to do something with all the wool. So I set out to figure what to do with it, and how to do it. Thanks to the Internet, YouTube, & a dear friend, I am now exploring the world of fiber. If you would like to check explore some of my adventures, click the link below.