I enjoy learning and teaching. I am a scientist at heart and have a natural drive to solve problems and figure out how things work and are made. The purpose of this page is to organize my different experiments, adventures, and projects in the hope that you might find them interesting and will perhaps learn something new as well.
More adventures to be added soon.
More adventures to be added soon.
Christmas 2019
What do you get a 72 year old nut farmer for Christmas? A beanie to keep his head warm! Check out how I transformed wool from my Cormo sheep into a beanie dyed with the hulls of pecans from my father's ranch into a handspun crocheted beanie for him.
What do you call a lamb who is a cross between a Babydoll and a Cormo? A Cordoll or a Babymo? A BABYMO!!!
Dyeing & Spinning
Here are some projects I've worked on.